
標王 熱搜: 設備  華海機械設備  發(fā)電機  機電  上海  廣州  冷卻塔  廈門  電磁閥  照明 
當前位置: 首頁 » 公司 » 南京普卡自動化設備有限公司
PUCCA(普卡)來自于德國,成立于上世紀80年代末,我們的目標是為客戶提供專一的,物超所值的流體控制儀器和自動化產(chǎn)品。 無論哪里,需要對流體流量,液位,溫度,壓力測量和監(jiān)控的地方,就能看到我們的產(chǎn)品。 我們跟用戶之間的緊密合作,來自于我們的高級工程師和用戶對應用環(huán)境和過程有著深厚的了解 我們一如既往的建議我們的客戶努力去選擇**有效地解決方案。 PUCCA comes from Germany, has been established in the end of 1980s It is our goal to provide our customers with professional and price-worthy products in the field of process instrumentation and automation. Everywhere, where flow, level, temperature, and pressure has to measured or monitored, our products are being used. The close cooperation between our highly qualified engineers with the users has over the years resulted in a huge knowledge of applications and process conditions from which in turn our customers will benefit. We advise our customers extensively and always strive to select the most efficient solution for every application.

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